Flights are booked, accommodation on lock down, you're raring to go, but don't get caught up in all the hype and forget to look at your gear. At this time of year, we get a tonne of eager customers looking to get set up for overseas, but there's one very important thing to consider, and that's the size of your board.
This is important because some styles of riding require longer or shorter boards. If you spend more time in the park it is helpful to size down slightly to make quicker turns, faster spins and have more control while buttering through boxes and rails. If you prefer chasing powder and traveling overseas you may want a slightly longer board. The added surface area will help you float above the snow much like a surfboard in water. Typically for the average rider in Australia we recommend a slightly smaller board compared to what we might recommend to someone traveling overseas. If you're in the Melbourne area, make sure to come in store so we can get you set up on exactly what's best for you. If you're buying online, make sure to use this handy snowboard sizing guide.
If you're already set up with all the right gear, make sure to get that baby waxed before you take off! Turn around times on all services vary throughout the year. Please ask us in advance for wait times, and read more here.
(03) 9470 1822
Happy travelling!