If you're as glued to the Olympics as we are, we can only assume you're as hyped for the season as we are, and while it might still be a while away, it's never too early to get your hands on some new gear. If you're still not convinced, here's something that might change your mind...

Here at MSC, we've got our exclusive little (virtual) hands on the 2019 range of CAP!TA snowboards. We're talking first in the world kind of stuff, which we think is pretty damn exciting! Last seasons range sold like crazy before the boards even arrived in the country, and we're expecting this year to be the same. SO, that being said, if you want to secure one for yourself, now is the chance to do so. You can find the range online here! We're expecting these babies to arrive around the middle of April, but they won't stick around for long, so don't sit on the fence because the season is still a little while away!

Unsure what board is right for you? Give us a call or come in store.

392 Plenty road, Preston, VIC, (03) 9470 1822


(P.S. Spring Break coming soon!)