Little over a month into August and we have already had an impressive dump of snow on all major Australian resorts, with temps dropping well below 0 degrees!

Whilst back here in Melbourne we battened down the hatches in preparation for a storm front that was expected to bring a months rain in 24 hours, it seems the mountains weren't left out of the firing line either! Looking ahead to the snow season here in Aus, we are still two months away from an official opening and if this early snowfall is anything to go by, I can tell there is already a lot of itchy feet out there!

Speculation about the season ahead is rife and every snowboarder this time of year becomes an amateur meteorologist. Without adding fuel to the flame though, I won't lay down any formal predictions as yet, however in the coming month or so we should get a better idea of how this season could pan out!

Stay tuned as things progress and I will keep you all updated!