In the closing stages of a bumper year for snow in Australia, we can look back on some of the epic times we had as well as look forward to a huge 2018. Starting with the Northern Hemisphere winter which has seen record early snowfall in remote parts of Japan, as well as a good solid base for a long winter in North America. We're in the midst of receiving our new 2018 stock including Boards, Bindings, Boots, Outerwear, Bags and more from all the biggest brands.

We're open right through the holiday break, only closing for the main days as well as continuing online 24/7!

18th-20th December | 9am - 5.30pm
21st-22nd December | 9am - 9pm
23rd December | 9am - 5pm
24th December | 10am - 4pm
25th December | CLOSED
26th-27th December | 9am - 5.30pm
28th-29th December | 9am - 9pm
30th December | 9am - 5pm
31st December | 10am - 4pm
1st January | CLOSED
2nd January | 9am - 5.30pm
From the team at Melbourne Snowboard Centre we would firstly like to extend a thanks to all of our customers who have shared 2017 with us. We hope you had an excellent experience with Melbourne Snowboard Centre as we have had a great time serving you!