A memo to all MSC customers & the community:

MSC would like to address the growing concerns arisen with COVID-19. As a business we take this situation very seriously, and are closely following the guidance of the World Health Organisation and Australia's Chief Medical Officer. Your health and safety is our first priority and as such have put the following measures in place.

    • Increased cleaning and disinfecting across the store plus during the shipping process. 
    • Plenty of hand wash and tissues available in multiple locations in the store to both staff and customers. 
    • Re-trained all staff about best hygiene practices including social distancing and washing hands between interactions. 
    • If a staff member is feeling unwell they are instructed to remain at home, as we hope the general public is practising as well. 

While monitoring the situation closely day by day MSC will remain open for all your snow needs, unless directed. 

The season is quick approaching, and you may shop in-store during normal hours or anytime at melbournesnowboard.com.au

We are all one community united by a passion for snow, and will remain positive and supportive. 


MSC Team